Major General Thomas Howard Ruger Camp #1
North Carolina Department
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Fayetteville NC
We, the descendants of soldiers, sailors or marines who served in
the Army or Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion of 1861 to
1865, have formed this patriotic and fraternal Camp for the purpose set forth
in these by-laws; and in so doing pledge ourselves to commemorate our father's
deeds; to render loyal service to our country; and to promote the maintenance
of unqualified American citizenship with respect for and honor to the flag.
The name of this Camp shall be The Major General Thomas Howard
Ruger Camp One. Our Charter is posted at the Fayetteville Independent Light
Infantry Armory in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and this city will be deemed
as our primary meeting location.
Section 1: The location of the Camp may be changed by a two-thirds
vote at a business session after thirty days’ notice,
Section 1: This Camp will meet four times a year on the second
Saturday of the month at 11:30 at its primary meeting place or other place so
Section 2: The number of members necessary for a quorum shall be
two thirds of those who are present and entitled to vote at a stated meeting.
Section 3: The next meeting place and time may also be determined
by any special project or activity pertaining to a certain location.
Section 4: Special meetings such as the NC Department Annual
Encampment, Memorial Day Ceremony, Flag Day Retirement Ceremony and Monroe's
Crossroads Remembrance Ceremony are activities/events when scheduled Camp
Members are encouraged to participate.
Meetings may also be postponed at least three days ahead of time
when possible.
Section 5: All members will be notified at least one month in
advance of any regular meeting. The host for each meeting will provide maps and
directions to the appointed place.
Section 6: All officers of the camp will be nominated, elected and
installed at the December Meeting.
Dues and Fees
Section 1: All new members will pay a one-time Application Fee of
$10.00 ($5.00 to National and $5.00 to the Camp). New and transfer members will
pay current National, Department per-capita taxes and camp membership dues
prorated to the month they were voted into the Camp. Life Members who obtained
their status prior to September 1; 2001 will pay no dues. Life Members who
obtained their status after September 1, 2001 will pay reduced camp dues as
follows: 14 years old to 45 years old, $12.00; 45 years old to 65 years old,
$10.00; 65 years old or older, no dues. Life member dues will be for the use of
the Camp. Persons transferring from another Camp will not be charged the $10.00
fee since it is a one-time fee. Camp members who are members of our country's
Armed Forces working in a war zone shall be exempt from paying camp dues for
that period employed overseas.
Section 2: Membership dues for all members of the Camp will be
payable in January. Yearly Camp dues are $13.00 plus whatever per capita tax is
being assessed on each brother by the NC Department and the National Organization.
Section 3: A Brother whose dues are not paid by January 31st will
be assessed a $5.00 fine. A Brother whose dues are not paid by March 1may be
dropped for non-payment of dues by a vote of the camp.
Section 4: Discipline of an officer, special committee or members
who neglect their duties may be done at the discretion of the Camp Commander or
the Camp Council who will file formal charges and appoint a trial commissioner
for proceedings consistent with the Articles on Discipline contained in the
National Regulations.
Section 5: Camp dues can be changed by vote during any regular
scheduled meeting of the camp or by order of levy by the camp commander.
Salaries and Compensation
Section 1: The officers of the Camp will be filled by persons who
will not receive a salary.
Section 2: An officer may be recompensed for any expenses he
incurs in behalf of the Camp provided said expenditure benefits the Camp. Those
expenses shall be reported in the Camp Treasurer's regular report.
Section 3: Funds for this recompense shall come from the general
funds of the Camp, or from any special fund that may have been set up for the
purpose for which the expenditure was made.
Special Funds
Section 1: A special fund may be established for a project or a
purpose pertaining to benevolence and charity. These special funds can be
established at the discretion of the Camp.
Section 2: Special funds will be maintained by the Camp Treasurer
who will keep a strict accounting of them. He will disburse them when
instructed to do so by the Camp Commander or the Camp Council after approval by
the Camp in a business session.
Section 3: The special funds may be deposited in the Camp's
general fund, but used only for their designated purpose.
Section 1: Committees for the operation of the Camp shall be in
accord with the National Constitution and Regulations. These documents should
be consulted for their direction.
Section 2: Special committees may be appointed by the Camp
Commander as need arises with no less than three members on them, and no more
than one member per camp above this.
Section 1: The Camp Treasurer shall have a Personal Bond notarized
and signed by the Camp Commander for a one year term. The Camp Secretary and
the Camp Council shall also be bonded, whenever they are in charge of holding
funds of the Camp, in amounts to be fixed by the Camp Council.
Section 2: Bonded officers shall be held liable for funds
remaining in their possession until payment of the same to their successors who
have been properly installed, qualified and have given a personal bond, and
have made receipt for all money and property given them.
Section 3: The personal bonds of the Camp Treasurer and any other
Camp Officer, when they are in charge of holding funds of the Camp, shall be
held by one member of the Camp Council for one year and then renewed for a one
year term (See Form:DOnc_PB_Form1_Rev2011 ).
Suspension of By-Laws
Section 1: The Camp will abide by these by-laws. Any motion for
their suspension must not be in violation of any regulations stipulated in the
Constitution of the National Order of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil
Section 2: A motion to suspend the by-laws will be made by a
quorum vote of two-thirds of those who are present and entitled to vote in a
regular or called meeting of business. Notice must be given to all Camp members
of this procedure.
Alterations and Amendments
Section 1: All proposed amendments to alter these by-laws shall be
submitted in writing to the
Camp Commander no later than thirty days preceding a regular
business meeting
Section 2: The Camp Commander shall publish the proposed amendment
in General Orders preceding such meeting.
Section 3: The proposed amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds
vote of those who are present and entitled to vote at a stated meeting.
Section 4: Proposed amendments will be sent to the Department
Commander under which the Camp operates for approval.
“Robert's Rules of Order” shall govern our encampments.
Approved: 9 July 2011
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